it appears that you have stumbled upon my
magical website. its awesome, and the best ont he internet (but you already knew that). So check it out.
and use inter net explorer. seriously.
alright, i wanna apologizer for my intense lack of updating ove the past... month and a half? whatever, man. i got other
stuff to do. Ok, i made a new rant, and some other stuff. wanna know what else? you'll have to find out, homes. christmas
is the tightest.
Check out the preview of my cd in song. it be all crazy tight and whatnot. find all the info there. PEACE OUT HOMESLICE
Damn! i havent up dated for almost a freaking month. man, i am getting lazy. and internet explorer went awol on my for
a while, so that had to be fixed. Anyways, two new movie reviews, new pictures, and possibly if i feel like it, a new rant.
oh wait, nevermind, im doing a rant. BAH
alright, im making this new section called "news" where i record updates, and talk about random crap. Frankly,
the front page had nothing on it, so this'll help. Anyway, I added 8 new pictures, and added I, Robot review.
Heres a great game you all should check out. Its called N. Basically you a little ninja who runs around a room
flipping switches, and dodging robots that kill you. This game is awesome. Download it from Its awesome.